Giant Squid
The following is a copy of the Thomas Question email devotional. You can subscribe to the email edition from our website and tune into our podcast.
We know the giant squid exists because we find their indigestible beaks in the bellies of whales that have eaten them.

I have to admit that if I were God’s publicist, I’d recommend that He do things a bit differently. The almost complete absence of His public appearances is an obstacle many find too large to overcome. “God sightings” have been at a definite low for about the past 2,000 years. It is claimed that He shows up on Sunday mornings all over the world, but this is almost exclusively in the realm of a certain kind of person. A church person. And the can be (admittedly) a little crazy.
Many of the scriptures that have to do with God encounters seem to indicate He has at least one thing in common with the giant squid (for now, at least). His natural habitat is one we have a hard time accessing. For the past few weeks, I’ve been referencing a single scripture verse which is becoming more and more important to me all the time. Matthew 5:8 says “blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God”.
You are His habitat, you see, and purity makes that habitat “ideal”. Now purity us much more than just “good behavior”.

It’s horrible to recommend your own “snake oil”, but the things we got into last Sunday about “guidance” are one of my favorite things to talk about. If you missed it, tune into the podcast. We’ve gotten a lot of interesting feedback so far. I’m as excited about the material for this Sunday, too as we wrestle with “Why is the ‘fear of the Lord’ the beginning of wisdom? Are we really supposed to fear what we also love?”
Hope to see you there,
The first is done and will be available this Sunday. We're looking at getting it up on our website in the next month or two as well as a video podcast.
Did something come to you as you listened to some of the teaching at the Thomas Question? Even if it isn’t directly related, send it in. It keeps the conversation going and influences upcoming messages. Click submit and give us your thoughts.
We’ve had so much response from this past series where you submit the questions for a “remote controlled pulpit” that it’s going to be a feature of how we do things long term. Even in the midst of the so called “designed” series, your input matters. Send us your questions. We’d far rather focus on a great idea from you than blindly follow what’s been planned.
The “fear of the Lord”, driving off the edge of your imagination and what does a friendship with God really look like, anyway. Visit our website for directions or tune into the podcast. through the week.
Dave Zak has done a lot of graphics design and video work for The Thomas Question. He recently finished a feature video for the Scripture Union - and he's also using it to enter Mark Burnett and Steven Spielberg's "On The Lot". He's done amazing work. We can all help him get noticed if you follow this link (, watch the video and vote for it. You'd be surprised what your click can do!
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