
Thursday, February 26, 2009


Polaroids cameras, music CDs and the three ring Circus. Three things that once commanded a significant place in the cultural and economic consciousness of our world and yet all three in the course of a relatively short time, have been supplanted, replaced or subverted by new ideas. Polaroid no longer makes film in the face of the digital revolution, music CD sales dropped over 20% last year while online downloads increased over 40% and Cirque Du Soleil has reinvented the definition of what a circus is for most people. The free market is our greatest resource for innovation because it's a constant churn of the best ideas and the most creative applications where the incentives of innovation and the consequences of stagnation are always within sight.

But what happens when it comes to the story of Jesus and our involvement in his imagination for the world, a place where our story is not just about us and not just about what we can get from life? How do we take seriously the challenge of Jesus to step out from a purely incentive driven motivation for life and at the same time remain inspired to create and innovate?

I think Philippians chapter 2 challenges us with the idea that the invitation of Jesus is one into the best of both worlds. Where we can be inspired to be creative with our time, our energy and our resources and at the same time find the freedom to let go of outcomes that only involve ourselves, so that we can put our best creativity and our best ideas and our most significant commitments into the cause of compassion.

See you Sunday

Jeremy Duncan


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