The Hero Shot

It’s a plot point so common it’s almost more noticeable when absent: the hero gets shot and it’s time to dig the bullet out. This is the moment when the audience gets to squirm with inner agony as a wound is probed with fingers or pliers or the point of a pocket knife to remove the bullet before infection sets in. And it reveals a principle: sometimes you have to choose to do a bit of extra hurting now in order to prevent a whole world of pain later on.
I hope this doesn’t make you squeamish, but I feel the need to say it again in a slightly different way just to sharpen the point: sometimes you’ve got to deepen a wound and actually make it worse for the sake of how it could heal better later on. By it’s very nature – that’s got to be one of life’s most difficult decisions.
It’s a sentiment I can identify with more and more. I long to be matured – even if it means I must face some “maturing” experiences. I long to be changed – deeply, actually, honestly changed. Again, even if it means adjustment, correction or even the deep discomfort of having some projectile removed through a hole in my soul before infection sets in.

All of this requires a critical confrontation. You must be willing to digest the stark alternatives in front of you – to see the seriousness of your wound enough that you are willing to hurt your way out of it. Grim stuff, I know, but it’s a part of the architecture of life.
We talked this past Sunday about the power of a “confronted self” (you can listen for yourself through our podcast) and it’s the same kind of thing at work. Do you tell yourself the truth? Do you trim the stuff moving around in your heart – do you confront it? Because whatever grows unconfronted grows wild.
This Sunday, we’re continuing in this theme by looking at three critical confrontations Christ faced before His public ministry began – and perhaps three critical confrontations we all must make on our way to The Satisfied Life.
Hope to see you there and I hope you bring someone with you.
Life unconfronted grows wild, and your ears and nose never stop growing. Hear why this matters. You can listen on our podcast or visit our website.
3 critical confrontations we all have to make.
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