The Shortest Email Devotional in the World Pt 2
The following is a copy of the Thomas Question email devotional. You can subscribe to the email edition from our website and tune into our podcast.
Let’s stick with this brief and to the point approach. I like it.
You can find the parable of the sower in Luke chapter 8 starting at verse 5. Jesus describes 4 things that happen as a sower scatters seed on the ground. In the first case the seeds never sprout, in the second they die quickly, in the third they die slowly and in the last case they produce a hundred times what was sown.
And then He said these 4 scenarios also describe what happens every time a person hears about a Jesus-based life because words are like seeds, too.
Now that’s a steep challenge – because even though there are 4 scenarios, there are only two possible outcomes. For every seed that’s sown, it either (1) doesn’t last or (2) produces a hundred times as much. Only two outcomes.
We always like to imagine there’s lost of room in between. But that’s the point. There isn’t. And if you ask me, I think the difference between them can be described in terms of the steps you take based on what you hear.
Something to think about.
Need to catch up on missed Sundays? Visit our website and tune into our podcast.
I hope to see you Sunday, and I hope you bring someone with you,

You can find the parable of the sower in Luke chapter 8 starting at verse 5. Jesus describes 4 things that happen as a sower scatters seed on the ground. In the first case the seeds never sprout, in the second they die quickly, in the third they die slowly and in the last case they produce a hundred times what was sown.
And then He said these 4 scenarios also describe what happens every time a person hears about a Jesus-based life because words are like seeds, too.
Now that’s a steep challenge – because even though there are 4 scenarios, there are only two possible outcomes. For every seed that’s sown, it either (1) doesn’t last or (2) produces a hundred times as much. Only two outcomes.
We always like to imagine there’s lost of room in between. But that’s the point. There isn’t. And if you ask me, I think the difference between them can be described in terms of the steps you take based on what you hear.
Something to think about.
Need to catch up on missed Sundays? Visit our website and tune into our podcast.
I hope to see you Sunday, and I hope you bring someone with you,
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