Aiming Well
The following is a copy of the Thomas Question email devotional. You can subscribe to the email edition from our website and tune into our podcast.
March 15, 2007
One of my favorite concepts has to do with target practice. When you’re dealing with a moving target, you never actually shoot right at it. If you did, you’d “hit” an empty spot of air where the target used to be (“hit” is in quotes because you won’t actually “hit” anything).

Many will take a good chunk of their adult lives to figure out they need to do the same thing in life. It’s not enough to aim at what you do want right now because things are going to change – and they already are. You’re dealing with a moving target. By the time you get where you think you want to go, you may not want to be there any more because you will have changed along the way. In my own life I haven’t yet achieved the stuff I wanted when I was 25 and already things have changed. Specifically, my two girls have changed everything. So you’ve got to try to “lead the shot” and aim at what you will want by the time you get there. And that’s tough.
It seems our awareness always lags behind our experience. We figure this stuff out after the fact, when the “die” is already “cast”. Hindsight is 20/20. Foresight is 20/400 (which is legally blind).

In truth, the really important stuff lies in between the things that feel really important right now. I recently wrote about this in my journal: “The true test of our lives is to develop a backdrop of quality life processes which turn into a set of Jesus-like reflexes over time”. All of which is a far cry from conquering my “to do list”, making lots of money and having a big career. Far more important than all that, will my kids feel my deep love for them or just hear about it?
Why not think long and hard on these things until your awareness of them appreciates to the point where it changes your decisions? Why not think long and hard about how you can “lead the shot” and aim at where your true life will be?
This Sunday I want to work with this analogy in a slightly different way as we begin a whole new series, “Church Exposed: What is the Thomas Question Anyway?”. If I could say anything to all of West Toronto about what we believe, this Sunday would be it. Join us. You can visit our website for directions or tune into the podcast through the week.
I hope to see you there,

The final message in our “Deep Questions” series, “Should we really be afraid of God?”
Church Exposed: What you didn’t know about those Sunday morning people and what they actually believe. Visit the website for directions or tune into the podcast through the week.
Most of the Deep Questions series, and everything from this point forward are becoming available. For those in our digital congregation, we can look into the cost of a mail based subscription. Let us know if you’re interested (just hit reply or email us at
March 25TH
Special guest Richard Redman
April 1ST
What could the Thomas Question look like 1, 2 and 5 years from now – and what can you do about it?
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Dave Zak has done a lot of graphics design and video work for The Thomas Question. He recently finished a feature video for the Scripture Union - and he's also using it to enter Mark Burnett and Steven Spielberg's "On The Lot". He's done amazing work. We can all help him get noticed if you follow this link (, watch the video and vote for it. You'd be surprised what your click can do!
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