
Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Just Because

Our oldest daughter has arrived at the “why” stage full-blown. For any of you who’ve never been there it must be easy to imagine your way out of it. But what you never expect is the surprising difficulty of the simplest questions.. On one side, you don’t want to shrug it off because you want to honor their curiosity. But on the other hand, all of your answers have to fit into the mind of a 3 year old. It’s tough. As an example, how would you answer the question, “But why is it Thursday?” with anything other than, “Because it just is.” Think about it. Why is it Thursday?

I’m caught by this question all the time as I work to assemble the life experiences I think she needs because I can’t always explain what I’m doing in a way that will ‘fit’ into the mind of a 3 year old. The problem is that I’m not just trying to keep her warm, safe and well fed. I’m also trying to lay down a foundation of character, discipline and integrity. I want her to land at the first step of a fully adult life with every possible advantage. In other words, I’m trying to give her a bigger and better life than what I can explain to her right now.

All of this leads me to a very important question for you and I: How can Christ build a life for us which is bigger and better than we can understand – especially when every time He says, “Just trust me” you say, “But why?” I wonder if He’s caught with that question as much as I have been recently. “Just trust me,” I can imagine Him saying, “Tell the truth, treat people well, trust to what you cannot see and do the right thing as often as you can.” Why? Because it’s building something in us that we can’t always see or understand.

It’s something to consider as you put your thoughts together each day…



  • Hi Chris,
    I still do act like a three year old sometimes... with my why's and why can't I's. Thanks for your continued service in sharing your thoughts. God has used you to keep stretching my heart and mind a little. My faith has grown.

    Jay ... a brother in Christ

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:59 AM  

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