
Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The Magic of Integrity

Integrity protects you. And not just from accusation, either. It protects you from the unknown and the unknowable. It ensures you are aligned with a hidden order of things which lies just beneath the surface of what our 5 senses can read. Doing the right thing as often as we can is our best way to position ourselves in God’s supply chain of great things. Since we can’t know what any given decision will trigger in terms of it’s outcomes, this is an incredibly valuable thing.

Think of it this way: God’s laid out all your best possibilities like bread crumbs along the path of doing the right thing as often as you can. He’s lodged them there – some seen, some not; some in a way that make sense, others in a way which represents a total surprise. Integrity activates the great things God has had in mind for you from before your very first moment.

Give it some thought this week. What has God placed on the other side of difficult choices just waiting for you to discover?



  • Absolutely what I have been thinking about all week!!! Much better put than what I said when I was put in a position where I knew that I needed to use integrity. I almost lost a friendship because of it, but I held my ground and explained the importance of integrity to this one particular friend. We had a brawl, because my point was not well understood, but when it comes down to it, we need to take a stand for our convictions.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:38 AM  

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