3 Sentences on Stopping

If you’re anything like me, then you spend a lot of time struggling over time itself. Where does it all go? And if you’re anything like me, then you also struggle to meet your own expectations. Why are they so often out of reach? These two things often mean I’m desperately trying to squeeze more out of a single day than a single day can hold.
This leads me to three sentences from my journal that hit me in a very simple, very ‘matter of fact’ way earlier this morning. It ties in with a presentation I did on the sacredness of rest a few Sundays back and it’s all about ‘stopping’.
-You can’t do more than one day’s worth of work in any given day (even when it’s a great day).
-To try to go further is to take a step where nothing exists to hold your foot.
-It takes as much faith to walk away at the end of a great day’s work (and leave the rest to Him) as it did to get up and start it in the first place.
Have a great weekend,
Job Opening
I’ve been challenging the staff at Westside to participate in at least two ‘big’ things together: to (1) Change the way Canadians think about the Jesus story and (2) To tell a different story of leadership within the church. If that’s something you might be interested in, we have a position available as part of our office administration team. For more details, email us at westsidepeoplesearch@wkc.org.
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