"The Hard Stuff"
We can’t metabolize cellulose. And that’s too bad, really, because it’s the structural component of plants and that makes it the most common organic compound on earth. We’d have a hard time starving in the woods if it wasn’t for that little ‘detail’. All we’d have to do is munch cedar boughs until someone found us. But as it stands that would do little more than put a bitter taste in your mouth while those bits of foliage ‘passed right through’ without giving you a single calorie’s worth of energy.
Cellulose is the hard stuff. If only we could find a way to metabolize it.
‘Metabolize’ is our word for the process by which our bodies turn food into energy. We eat something, it gets broken down and then we turn it into energy. It’s also a great word to help us visualize a process at work when it comes to the stuff we hear. You receive a group of words that were directed at you, then we ‘break it down’ in our minds as we search for the meaning(s). Then it either becomes a certain kind of ‘energy’ or we turn it into some form of energy ourselves.
As an example – if we receive a compliment, we can break it down and turn it into positive reinforcement. It becomes ‘energy to move forward’ or at least feel positive for a while. But a criticism is harder – and that’s what this post is about.
“If you refuse criticism” it says in Proverbs 13:19, “[The] you will end in poverty and disgrace; [but] if you accept criticism, you are on the road to fame”. Think about that. Criticism is the hard stuff. Finding a way to ‘metabolize’ it could open you up to a whole new source for growth and ‘energy’ and forward movement. If we could learn to ‘metabolize’ cellulose, then there would be almost nothing we couldn’t ‘eat’ in the forest and have it become energy or life. You could say a similar thing when it comes to how we ‘experience’ criticism. If we learn how to receive, digest and benefit from criticism – then there would be almost nothing we couldn’t ‘eat’ when it comes to the ‘forest’ of human conversation.
Sometimes I wonder how much of life is really about learning how to develop a way of thinking which can turn just about anything into a positive conclusion and forward movement. It’s like a kind of ‘mental Judo’. I like that metaphor because Judo is all about finding a way to convert your attacker’s momentum (or energy) into something you can use. In the same way, we can develop a mindset that allows us to turn difficult communication into something we can use for growth.
Can you ‘metabolize’ the hard stuff?
This Sunday we are continuing in our series “Unwritten” about the gaps in our knowledge. As always, we are interested in your feedback and excited about the chance to ‘do life’ together. Join us on Sunday or you can or tune into the podcast through the week.
Have a great weekend,
On his talk of the voice behind the words Bob brought up the bible verse Geneses 2-19. ‘Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name’.
That God created the breast in the fields and birds in the air but allowed humanity to name them to apply a symbol to identify the creations.
Too often I think we confuse the label with the whole of the object itself. I am reminded of the controversy of the Platypus, an animal that does not fit neatly into the labels created to define animals. Was something wrong with the Platypus as the labels didn’t fit? Yet the labels defined were not and can never be the Platypus.
We create labels to help us understand but forget that the words are our creation allowing them to become linear as we lose sight of the voice behind words.
There is little information in a straight line, beauty lies in the curves.
By Anonymous, at 4:31 PM
Symbolic language is the language of the soul
“Unwritten” about the gaps in our knowledge. Can you hear the Voice behind the words? Can you ‘metabolize’ the hard stuff?
Some thoughts on what we can do that may help us metabolize the hard stuff?
The path to action: event, story, emotions, action.
Consciousness lags the unconscious by milliseconds and it is in that time that we filter and adjust the event and turn it into a story. It is from the story that our emotions arise and it is the story that we react or respond to. Kind of scary if you thing about it, we react or respond to a story we create about what happened and it is from this story, filtered through our experience, expectations and fears that we act on.
Save the story save the world.
Martial artists train for years in order to bypass the story and react as quickly as possible to physical threat. In the situation of criticism is it possible for the average person to train themselves to master the story between the hearing and action?
To metabolize the hard stuff we can practice identifying the stories we tell ourselves and listen to the voice behind the words. Are we telling a victim story, a helpless story or perhaps it’s a villain story? Are there signs of distorted thinking: All or nothing thinking, overgeneralization, jumping to conclusions (mind reading – fortune telling), shoulds, labeling, emotional reasoning, justifications… are we reliving a old story from our past?
Did you or are you reacting or responding? Reacting and getting out of the way of the speeding car is important but reacting to criticism by striking back isn’t likely to work well in the work place.
By Anonymous, at 10:25 PM
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