The God you Made Up in your Head
I'm sure there are people who think a Christian is someone who takes a bunch of things that would probably happen anyway and just say that it was God. An "answer" to prayer is really just their own thoughts - which they attribute to God. A miracle is just an unlikely thing taking it's turn - but we call it a miracle. If circumstances ever, sometimes just go against you, then it follows that they also must sometimes just go for you. Then you can just tell yourself it was God. And isn't He good?
In this way, you could impose a layer of God based conclusions over top of an otherwise normal world and say, "I believe - how can you not?"
But the thing is, for some of us who think we're following "Him", there are times when you find yourself face to face with a thing that really feels like it could only come from God. I think we all owe it to ourselves to try to live in such a way that creates the possibility for God but doesn't fudge the answer one way or the other. You can only trust the outcome if you've been honest about the process. It's why we call our church the Thomas Question. You can only trust your answer when you've honestly asked your question.
And by the way, I had one of those "could only come from God" moments this morning. You should look into it! He really is bigger than all my fears, more important than all my complications and more effective than all my efforts.
Or at least it sure seems like it...
In this way, you could impose a layer of God based conclusions over top of an otherwise normal world and say, "I believe - how can you not?"
But the thing is, for some of us who think we're following "Him", there are times when you find yourself face to face with a thing that really feels like it could only come from God. I think we all owe it to ourselves to try to live in such a way that creates the possibility for God but doesn't fudge the answer one way or the other. You can only trust the outcome if you've been honest about the process. It's why we call our church the Thomas Question. You can only trust your answer when you've honestly asked your question.
And by the way, I had one of those "could only come from God" moments this morning. You should look into it! He really is bigger than all my fears, more important than all my complications and more effective than all my efforts.
Or at least it sure seems like it...
Ever going to let us know what the "only from God" moment was? Or is it only "between you and God"?
Good word
Justin, at 2:17 AM
It's one of those moments that wouldn't transfer, I don't think... But in general terms, our church plant has been consistently putting those of us who lead it in situations where the outcome requires God. The more this kind of thing goes on, the more I'm astonished at how much you can think you have a rich faith and then have it plunge even deeper. No wonder Paul said faith and action are intermingled. Being in a position that requires God for the outcome is a place of tremendous confirmation.
CSW, at 8:02 AM
Thanks for bringing up this topic. It's something I've thought alot about and even struggled with, and it's definitely something that most pastors or religious leaders would never touch.
Christians really do come off a little phony or even "brain-washed" when they attribute every little good thing that happens as a gift from God. It can be a huge turn-off for non-Christians as well as Christians themselves.
On the other hand, it's a good thing to thank God for all of the blessings we receive, as we really don't deserve most of what we have as Canadians.
I think you hit the nail on the head: be honest with God, others, and yourself.
But perhaps I'm just struggling with the fine line between giving God direct credit for the positive things that happen to us, and simply thanking Him for those things. That wasn't worded too well. I hope you followed.
I'd love to hear more of your thoughts on this topic.
Ryan Z, at 4:22 PM
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