
Thursday, April 26, 2007

Stabety Stab

Special Note: If you’re in our digital congregation, be sure to see the “news” section below.
The following is a copy of the Thomas Question email devotional. You can subscribe to the email edition from our website and tune into our podcast.
I can’t say enough about the theme of last Sunday, so let me ease my neurosis with a few more “stabs” at it: progress (the fact that you’re moving) is more important than position (the fact of where you are in the journey). Let me say it another way: The fact that you took a step is more important than the size of it. After all, Jesus said His “Kingdom” is best understood by kids and sex trade workers (see Matthew 18:3 and 21:31). Why? We can only infer that it’s because (1) young people know they have something to learn and (2) “broken” people know they have something to fix. So, it’s better to be young, broken and open than wise, polished and “settled”. Progress is more important than position.

Think about it this way: a mortgage makes it possible for you to turn hundreds of much smaller steps into one giant purchase you could likely never make all at once. The same principle holds true for any large change or any great “dream” you hope for. They key is to find a way to break it into hundreds of smaller “payments” so you can start making it happen now. Progress is more important than position. Find a way to think of steps small enough that you can start taking them today and you’ll get there. Anything else is just wishful thinking.

Think about it this way: there are two ways to “build” a mountain (or a mountain sized change!). You can grab a shovel, decide to get it done and die trying to build it in a day. Or, you can drop off a single shovel full of dirt, as often as you can while on your way to other things. In other words, you build a small, daily, sustainable habit while on your way to other things, and one day you’re surprised at the mountain that’s come of it. It’s the same principle: the fact that you took a step is more important than the size of it.

Like I said at the beginning, I can’t say it enough. It’s like the race between the tortoise and the rabbit. Small steps actually taken beat huge leaps only ever thought about. Bury the bunny, embrace the turtle, take a step.

All of that was last Sunday, this Sunday we’ll take it a step further. So far this series has been about what as in what is a Christian, what is a church, what is the cross, “what”… This Sunday, we’ll round off the whole series (“Church Exposed”) with a look at how. If I could say only one thing to people at any stages of their journey, this would be it. Gee. No pressure.

I hope to see you there, and I hope you bring someone with you,

Aka “the podcast crowd”… We’re rebuilding our website over the next few months because we’re serious about investing as much in you as we do in our local congregation. I’ve been continually surprised at what can come of these “digital connections”, from Carolynn who connected through facebook to say “hi” along with her friends listening in New Zealand, and Mike who found us online, listened to 5 podcasts and showed up last Sunday, and Phil who’s given some feedback on our upcoming series on “Beauty”, and the many more who’ve contacted us over the past months. Drop us a line – let us know your story – just use info@askthequestion.ca and let it be more than just a podcast.
I asked that question on April 1 (if you missed it, tune into our podcast) and I don’t want to let it go. Every time you extend yourself, you make change possible and the process of creating change is what turns life into an adventure. Let’s take a risk this fall… Could you dream with us? Could you help with the resources that make those dreams possible? When you give towards a dream, you “own” the outcome. Why not own it with us?


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