Feeling the Weather and a Guided Mind

Here’s a risk: I’m about to describe something I think I’m good at. The risk is that it just doesn’t sound good to do that kind of thing. Maybe the reason it’s worth taking will make itself clear.
Two summers working as a professional canoe guide have left me with a ‘sensitivity’ to changes in the weather. It’s what living outside for prolonged periods of time will do. You gain this sensitivity not just because of the more pronounced consequences (thunder and rain aren’t just ‘atmospheric factoids’ – they are the difference between comfort and danger, and that distance is often travelled in a few minutes or less). You also gain this sensitivity because you just have more opportunity to experience the subtle cues (like a shift in the wind direction or a change in cloud patterns).
The reason all of this came to mind this morning has to do with guidance. It’s something we’re all interested in, whether we’re looking for it in our conversations with trusted friends and mentors, or if we’re looking for it ‘from above’. It’s something we all want to position ourselves ‘to receive’; and we focus almost exclusively on how guidance is sent to us. So when we pray for that kind of thing, we are almost always expressing some version of ‘turn the volume up’. But what about building up our own ability to receive it? Just like you can build a sensitivity to what’s going on in the atmosphere – and learn to read a bunch of subtle cues that are lost on everyone else – could we build an ‘easily guided mind’?
Sailboats lift a great, white ‘wing’ that give them a sensitivity to the wind and the ability to be moved by it. An antenna gives sensitivity to radio waves that can’t be seen. This is all about a ‘triggered awareness’ – we make choices that make changes and those changes allow us to be moved in some new way. I have a couple of friends that ‘triggered’ my awareness to the world of visual and graphic art (something I’m deeply grateful for). How could you and I build an easily guided mind?
I would suspect it has something to do with learning to be more physically present, outward and open. My own ‘weather sensitivity’ came from being immersed in the outside world for extended periods of time. I had to ‘be there’ long enough to experience the subtle shifts over and over again. What sensitivities could be gained by immersing ourselves in other kinds of life-environments like prayer and study, or great conversation, or reflection and introspection? Our Director of Spiritual Formation, Bob Osborne, has created just such an atmosphere on Wednesday nights at 7:07 pm dubbed ‘Suburban Monastery’. If something like that isn’t an option for you, why not look at how you can build some of your personal space to do the same kind of thing?
Join us on Sunday if you can or tune into the podcast through the week. If you’re a part of our digital congregation and are looking for ways to turn this into a more active connection – then let us know who you are (info@wkc.org). Perhaps you have a skill you could volunteer from time to time, or you just want to be connected in some way.
Have a great weekend,
Tried to keep your podcast on my list - just couldn't!
The corinthians loved talking,talking, talking - just to listen to themselves - their issue ... is the issue of the wkc podcast. intelligent you say? inch deep, mile wide.
intelligence ... with biblical clarity is hard to find on your podcast.
stories only scratch a surface for change , scripture explores the depth of a soul for change. try the later
a resigned wkc podgregation member
Anonymous, at 1:19 AM
I am interested in the 'idea of' and 'methods of' change.
What do you mean when you say that "scripture explores the depths of a soul for change." while stories only scratch the surface.
Change seems to be the latest catch phrase yet usually without any specifics on the implementation.
How is it that people change?
Is change always good?
I wonder if the talk of change is enough to make us feel as if at least we are doing something.
Where does all this dissatisfaction with what we have come from? Even when we could be happy there is always another advertisement, speaker, book, whatever telling us that we must strive for more.
I’m personally tired of the whole idea of change.
I didn’t quite understand the point of this Sunday’s sermon. At the end Chris was asking and promising something of himself and then asking for something from the community but it wasn’t clear what exactly he was asking for.
Anonymous, at 3:52 PM
Sorry that it didn't come through clearly. If it was the second service, it was a time issue and I just ran out. I wanted to close by talking about the 'context of discovery'. It's about a level of discipline on the part of staff/leaders about resources and ideas; it's about a level of understanding on the part of community as we look at a new year and new opportnities.
CSW, at 2:32 AM
RE 'Tried to keep the podcast on my list..."
I don't always weigh in, but this is one of my favorite things to respond to because I think it presents an opportunity to think differently.
It can be difficult to resist wanting to have the whole church pulled through the 'knot hole' of how we'd prefer it to be done personally. That's hard, and I struggle with it myself. It's also tempting to conclude, 'impactful for me would be impactful for everyone' when that is clearly not the case. It's problematic to conclude the gold standard for impact period is how it impacts you, personally.
There are thousands of churches in Canada who 'do it' the way you want it done. Westside has always been about a different approach. The podcast is intended to be a buffet of 'things to think about' as we all attempt to do our lives better and understand the story of Christ.
As with any resource, it will not be for everyone - and again, that is not the intention. We celebrate the fact that we are just one among many parts of a diverse body of people and organizations with the same aim. I trust one of them will meet your needs as you continue your search.
As a suggestion: the desire 'to be taken deeper' can be at odds with true maturity (at times) because it leaves you in the position of a consumer waiting to be 'serviced'. That's inherently dis-empowering. Perhaps true depth is something you must take responsibility for as you build it in yourself, while you live in community and serve those around you.
As an one more thing to consider, it's always been interesting to me how the desire 'to be taken deeper' is almost always the introduction to something that will be worded in a less than generous way. I've never been able to understand why it's so hard to simply conclude 'that's not for me' while recognizing that it may meet the needs of other people groups. It may go a step too far to conclude that because it's not for you, then there's something wrong or missing.
So we'll take your comment seriously and consider how we can use it as an opportunity to do things better. Perhaps you could consider how 'intelligence with biblical clarity' might also include a challenge for you about how we communicate with each other?
That may sound tongue in cheek, but it's just an honest observation. Jesus said the whole world would know we are following Him by the way we treat each other. One of our most powerful opportunities to do more than 'scratch the surface for change' is to 'get along' when those around us quietly think we shouldn't.
I hope that's something you'll consider as you continue your journey.
CSW, at 10:22 AM
from the x wkc podgregationalist
wkc ... I honestly and humbly apologize for the first comment, and there is great validity to your return comments. This week reading through Luke - Jesus told a parable, but started by saying this - "to some who were confident in their own righteousness and 'looked down on everybody else', Jesus told this parable:
I think there are many 'restaurant flavors' in the church and instead of focusing on what I did not or do not receive and what I think everybody needs- I need to humble myself and instead of complaining about a style i do not prefer, I need to bless the audio ministry of wkc and move on to what triggers the best learning style and which moves me on in my journey with christ.
I do not want to be consumer but take responsibility for my growth and get involved with a community of faith - so I can take out the plank in my eye, which i thought was just a dust speck.
Continue on - in reaching to those who are looking for a none 'knot hole' idea of how the church should look and sound.
from the x poder-
with regret and ... asking for forgiveness for a hard heart and responding without thinking my reaction through.
Anonymous, at 1:42 AM
We're all on a journey and growth is an adventure... There is one human story and we're all in it...
CSW, at 11:12 PM
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