What they never told You about North
There’s something very important you need to know about a compass if you ever need to use one. Contrary to what you may think, compasses do not point North – at least not “true” north.
Instead, they point to a location which is currently just northwest of Hudson’s Bay approximately 700 kilometers from the north pole. Oh, and it also moves a little bit every year, too. It’s currently moving west by as much as a degree per year in some places. Oh and one more thing, it’s also affected by magnetic storms from time to time.
All of this means, according to a government of Canada website, that a person on a canoe trip in the Northwest Territories can find their compass in error by as much as 2 degrees a little more than 1 day in 4. And in addition to that, even on those slightly less than 3 out of 4 good days, their compass still isn’t pointing north, anyways – it’s pointing to that magic spot some 700 km away from true north.
So true is not an observed value – it’s a calculated value. Which means you must make some observations and then calculate for distortion to come up with something closer to the truth.
All of which makes me wonder what other distortions I may be subject to with my myriad of other navigational aids and not even know it. My perception, my judgment, my values, my common sense, anything I see with my eyes, anything that feels as real and as obvious as an “N” for north on a compass. How do I adjust for true “truth” instead of just true “north”?
Thankfully, we are not alone. The Kingdom of God is an “adjustment of values”. It is a statement of differences between what seems to matter and what actually does. And just like any map that’s worth it’s paper has a graphic on it which shows you the difference between true and magnetic north, the Kingdom has a set of values that help us separate the things that seem good from the things that truly are.
For example, money seems to matter (that’s like magnetic north), but it’s actually freedom we really want (that’s true north). Getting seems to matter (that’s magnetic north), giving actually leads to more (that’s true north). Right now seems more important (that’s magnetic north), but eternity actually will be much more so over time (that’s true north).
In what other ways may we need to adjust our guidance system? I’d like to talk about it more this Sunday.
We hope to see you there,
Just like athletes go into “training” and strive to find a pattern of activities designed to matter, we’re taking the next 7 weeks to focus on small intentional steps we can actually take instead of the big, huge things we only ever seem to think about. Move toward your future, your potential, your God and your next step.
We’re moving again (because that’s what we do, right?). it’s 6 kilometers east of our original location to the Encore Cinema’s on Speers Rd between Dorval and Trafalgar (see our website for directions). We’ve been given access to the main auditorium for at least the next year. Our first Sunday in this new location will be AUGUST 6th. Our service times remain the same: 9.45 am for Starbucks coffee and a 10.00 am start. Make the move with us! We’re looking forward to the chance to re-focus on becoming a church instead of scrambling over un-found real estate.
In the mean time, we have 2 Sundays left at the Homewood Suites on Burloak just south of the QEW (visit our website for directions). Join us for a unique atmosphere and a chance to experience a slightly different approach.
The first of 8 sentences to put on your bathroom mirror: “bury the bunny”. Check out our podcast for details.
A deeper look at the difference between true and magnetic north and what it might mean for the many decisions you make.
The teaching from last Sunday was designed to set the tone for the step that’s right in front of us as a church and it’s a great challenge about the difference between Sunday church and the thing that led to it in the first place. Listen in through our podcast.
We hope to see you there,

All of this means, according to a government of Canada website, that a person on a canoe trip in the Northwest Territories can find their compass in error by as much as 2 degrees a little more than 1 day in 4. And in addition to that, even on those slightly less than 3 out of 4 good days, their compass still isn’t pointing north, anyways – it’s pointing to that magic spot some 700 km away from true north.
So true is not an observed value – it’s a calculated value. Which means you must make some observations and then calculate for distortion to come up with something closer to the truth.

Thankfully, we are not alone. The Kingdom of God is an “adjustment of values”. It is a statement of differences between what seems to matter and what actually does. And just like any map that’s worth it’s paper has a graphic on it which shows you the difference between true and magnetic north, the Kingdom has a set of values that help us separate the things that seem good from the things that truly are.
For example, money seems to matter (that’s like magnetic north), but it’s actually freedom we really want (that’s true north). Getting seems to matter (that’s magnetic north), giving actually leads to more (that’s true north). Right now seems more important (that’s magnetic north), but eternity actually will be much more so over time (that’s true north).
In what other ways may we need to adjust our guidance system? I’d like to talk about it more this Sunday.
We hope to see you there,
Just like athletes go into “training” and strive to find a pattern of activities designed to matter, we’re taking the next 7 weeks to focus on small intentional steps we can actually take instead of the big, huge things we only ever seem to think about. Move toward your future, your potential, your God and your next step.
We’re moving again (because that’s what we do, right?). it’s 6 kilometers east of our original location to the Encore Cinema’s on Speers Rd between Dorval and Trafalgar (see our website for directions). We’ve been given access to the main auditorium for at least the next year. Our first Sunday in this new location will be AUGUST 6th. Our service times remain the same: 9.45 am for Starbucks coffee and a 10.00 am start. Make the move with us! We’re looking forward to the chance to re-focus on becoming a church instead of scrambling over un-found real estate.
In the mean time, we have 2 Sundays left at the Homewood Suites on Burloak just south of the QEW (visit our website for directions). Join us for a unique atmosphere and a chance to experience a slightly different approach.
The first of 8 sentences to put on your bathroom mirror: “bury the bunny”. Check out our podcast for details.
A deeper look at the difference between true and magnetic north and what it might mean for the many decisions you make.
The teaching from last Sunday was designed to set the tone for the step that’s right in front of us as a church and it’s a great challenge about the difference between Sunday church and the thing that led to it in the first place. Listen in through our podcast.
We hope to see you there,
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