I'm working on a message theme right now. I've started incorporating more collaboration in the process and I'm overwhelmed at what it can do. So I'd love to know how you could respond to the following:
I was reading an article by Stanley Bing who threw this in as a side-sentance: "90% of all genuine thoughts go unspoken."
Can you comment? Do you believe it? Is it true? What are the ramifications? What might it mean? I know it's broad right now, but that's how it starts. Be brave, put your reaction down.
Hit "comment" below and post.
Know this: what you say will actually, likely be incorporated in a live message three weeks from now.
I was reading an article by Stanley Bing who threw this in as a side-sentance: "90% of all genuine thoughts go unspoken."
Can you comment? Do you believe it? Is it true? What are the ramifications? What might it mean? I know it's broad right now, but that's how it starts. Be brave, put your reaction down.
Hit "comment" below and post.
Know this: what you say will actually, likely be incorporated in a live message three weeks from now.
Brilliant! Shawno-you rule!
CSW, at 10:26 PM
Well I can only speak about myself but my mind is constantly filled with an ongoing dialogue. I hardly speak at all when compared with the shear volume of internal dialogue that goes on inside my head.
Of course this is a side issue since I think the author is really getting at how much we filter, mask, or do not lend voice to a lot of the things we think when interacting with people. We have socially conditioned filters that intercept and process things we may be thinking but are unwilling to voice. On top of that there are things that may go unspoken because we just do not have the confidence to say them. For example, if there is a hottie packing my groceries at Thrifties I may be thinking, "Damn you're hot!", but there is no way I am going to say that to her.
Personally I think it's a double-edged sword. Keeping a layer between our interior dialogue and what we voice allows us to present the best of what we have to say to others. At the same time is also prevents us from lending our voice to some thoughts that need it. I guess in the end it is just best to know that this is going on inside of you and attempt to recognize when I thought should be freed and when it should not.
Josh, at 2:44 AM
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alison keddy, at 1:17 PM
What is a genuine thought? Some synonyms are “honest”, “authentic”, “candid”, and “natural”. It seems that Shawn is treating genuine not as natural or authentic but as thought out, important, or insightful. If these are the characteristics of a genuine thought, then I completely agree with the Shawno on all points.
I tend to believe that a genuine thought has nothing to do with the “quality” of the thought, and more to do with honesty – the lack of a filter. If this is the case people are frequently having genuine thoughts. I do not say frequently because I believe that many of our filters are internalized. We are unable to be honest with ourselves. When we do not test each thought’s motivation, it shows in our actions. How much would our lives, and consequently our world, change if we our actions were dictated by confidence, diligence, and love?
Instead, our thoughts and actions are filtered by insecurity, laziness, and pride. Out of insecurity we do not speak. We fear we will be laughed at or disrespected in some way. Out of laziness we do not pursue thought or speak our minds. An honest thought can cause our stable and predictable worlds to change dramatically, making life more difficult or interesting depending on your point of view.
According to the thesaurus, good is also synonymous with genuine. I am not at all of the opinion that what is natural to man is necessarily good. Many genuine thoughts are cruel. Perhaps we do not speak them in order to save others from being hurt. Or do we repress hurtful thoughts to save ourselves? Do we remain silent to preserve an image?
alison keddy, at 1:47 PM
Great thoughts, Ali. I love the "honesty is the lack of a filter" piece.
CSW, at 4:17 PM
When I hear the word "genuine" I think of the word "honest.
So, I'll just be honest ...
I realized that I have probably written & erased about 90% of my genuine thoughts trying to come up with something profound to say about this comment ... "genuine" thoughts you'll never know.
So, I think I'll have to agree ... 90% of genuine thoughts are never spoken (or written).
Anonymous, at 10:09 PM
ali's brilliant. not only a brilliant mind but an amazing communicator. clear, consise, and well thought through. you should bring her on board as a research assistant!
is there a right answer to this???
it took me until now to react at all to a post or a comment. i've read them all. obviously im in the category that think's 90% more than what is actually verbalized. i bet there's a ton of people who are reading these posts and not responding at all.
others think and process verbally. they're the ones that never shut up. thats fine though. god created each of us to learn and communicate in our own way.
the one thing i know, regardless of the volume of thoughts i communicate... regardless of my level of intelligence, my thoughts are 100% genuine.
Anonymous, at 12:53 AM
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